
Free Guide Reveals How To Combat, Manage,
and Bury Stress Naturally



Stress Relief Quick!

Sometimes it is just the little things that make a big difference.  Practice just five Stress Busters each day

and practice them, and you will feel the tension leave!

**Lie in bed and listen to the rain.

**Dry off with towels warmed in the dryer.

**Hold hands when walking with your loved one.

**Make a surprise call to an old friend.

**Engage in a purposeful, stimulating conversation.

**Spend the day at the beach -- any time.

**Carry out your promised favor.

**Tell the new guy your *Inside* jokes.

**Kiss and make up.

**Plant that first kiss. (Any kiss.)

**Spend time with puppies, babies, and kittens.

**Give up your parking space for today.

**Sip on a Turtles hot chocolate.

**Take that surprise road trip.

**Swing on a swing.

**Fall in love all over again.

**Go to a really good concert.

**Bake homemade cookies for the entire office.

**Treat yourself to a free day.

**Pay a compliment.

**Learn something new and exciting.

**Get lost in a great book.

**Treat family to a really great movie.

**Reply to your emails the same day.

**Do something, anything one time only.

**Accept yourself just as you are.

**Buy a present -- just because.

**Give the first crocus of spring.

**The first day of fresh snow, go skiing.

**Do that promised home improvement.
**Have yourself a really good cry.

**Next time say, “No charge.”

**Do the work you love.

**Finish that important project.

**Wear only comfortable shoes.

**Buy that sweater you really want.

**Enjoy a brand new day; a fresh start.

Go to the next step of your guide on how to manage stress: Laughing Your Stress Away