
Free Guide Reveals How To Combat, Manage,
and Bury Stress Naturally



More Good Relaxation Tips You Can Practice

Our lives are busy and it can be hard to be forever concentrating on finding our “center of peace.”

By following just a few pointed tips each day, you can move towards a more balanced lifestyle.  This can only mean more inner strength and relaxation -- and who doesn’t want that?

 > Set a time aside each day to relax!
  - Give yourself permission.
  - Don’t waste your time being exhausted.

 > Carry a notebook everywhere you go!
  - Jot down everything you need to do.
  - Cross off as you do it.
  - You’ll feel more in control.

 > Get the amount of sleep you need each night!
  - Do something you love just before bed.
  - Dab an essential oil on your pillowcase and temples.
  - Use an eye pillow to help you drift off.
  - Keep your heat turned low.

 > As soon as you arrive home from work take a break just for you!
  - Retreat; let someone else manage the dinner, the kids, etc..
  - Do something relaxing, purposeful, like yoga.
 > Do an open-eyed meditation exercise!
  - Gaze softly at the flame of a candle.
  - Darken your room.
  - Calm your mind.
  - Always bring your mind back to the candle.
  - You will feel warm and relaxed.

 > Create a home spa!
  - Give yourself permission for soothing pleasure.
  - No interruptions for one full hour.
  - Put on some music.
  - Light lots of candles.
  - Put bubbles in your bath.
  - Just soak and let your mind drift.

 Now that you are wonderfully relaxed, do all you can to maintain that!  When you step out from the bath don’t immediately start to yell or argue.

If you have to, go to a place where you can just “be” for a while! Once you feel well energized and totally relaxed, dig in and begin your productive evening.  Be on your toes and guard from becoming engaged in any activity that will cause you stress.

Take me to the next page of my guide on how to deal with stress: Stress Management: Random Examples